wedding cakes

wedding cakes

martes, 6 de marzo de 2012


5 onz. semmi sweet chocolate        5 onz de chocolate semi amargo
5 onz heavy cream                         5 onz de heavy cream

put the chocolate and the cream in a heatproof bowl over a pan of barely
simmering water (dont left the thebase of the bowl sit in the water)
stir gently with a wooden spoon until smooth.

* remove from the heat and leave until thickned enough to coat the bake of the
spoon very thickly.
the ganache is redy  to pour over a cake.

-poner el chocolate y la crema a bano maria no dejar que la parte bajadel recipiente toque el agua
dejar que se mesclen bien luego retirar del fuego y dejar enfriar y esta listo para rellenar un pastel o para decorar

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