wedding cakes

wedding cakes

lunes, 13 de agosto de 2012

decoration fruits..

viernes, 6 de julio de 2012


This makes enough to fill two two-2 layer 8 or 9 inch cakes with leftovers.
This is also the perfect amount to fill one-2 layer 12' cake.
* 6 ounces of chocolate-semisweet or bittersweet.
* 1 stick of unsalted butter (4 ounces)
* 3 eggs separated
* 2 T sugar
* 3/4 to 1 cup heavy cream (I use 1 for added lightness)
* 1/2 t vanilla

Melt the chocolate with the butter in a double boiler or hot water being careful not to get steam into the chocolate mixture. Stir as you are melting it and then remove it from the heat to cool a little.

Separate the eggs.
Add the egg yolks one at a time to the cooled mixture and blend.

Place the whites in a clean bowl and whip with 1 T of the sugar to medium soft peaks
In another bowl whip the heavy cream with 1 T of sugar and the vanilla. Beat until the cream hold it's shape.

Now the Fun Begins
Fold the cream into the chocolate, but do not over mix. You should stop before it's fully mixed.
Next add the whites and fold in carefully.
 Again do not over mix it. You should see streaks of the cream and the egg whites within the chocolate.
 If you over mix it it starts to break down and becomes a gooey ugly mess.

For best results use it right away to fill your cooled cakes and immediately put your cakes into the fridge or freezer to get nice and firm. (The butter in this recipe helps to make it firm when cooled.)
Be careful not to over work the mousse when you put it on your cake layer. Be gentle with it. You want it to remain fluffy and light. .
Be careful not to over work the mousse when you put it on your cake layer. Be gentle with it. You want it to remain fluffy and light. .
Place the second layer on top, wrap it well with plastic wrap and then refrigerate or freeze the cake until you are ready to crumb coat and frost.
For a wedding cake it is simply the best chocolate layer cake recipe that I have found.
For a 14-10-6 tiered wedding cake multiply this recipe times 2. (Assuming each cake is a 2 layer cake with one layer of filling.)

galletas de azucar


    * 1 taza de azúcar granulada
    * 1 taza de azúcar pulverizada
    * 1 taza de mantequilla ablandada (2 barritas)
    * 3/4 de taza de aceite vegetal
    * 2 cucharadas de leche
    * 1 cucharadita de extracto de vainilla
    * 2 huevos
    * 4-1/2 tazas de harina
    * 1 cucharadita de bicarbonato de soda
    * 1 cucharadita de crema de tartar
    * 1/2 cucharadita de sal
    * 1/2 taza de azúcar granulada

En un recipiente grande batír: 1 taza de azúcar granulada, el azúcar pulverizada, mantequilla, el aceite vegetal, la leche, vainilla y los huevos. Revuelva bien.
Tamice los ingredientes secos, excepto la 1/2 taza de azúcar granulada, e integrelos a la mezcla de mantequilla.
Revuelva bien todos los ingredientes. Cubra con papel film y lleve al refrigerador por 2 horas o hasta que esté firme la masa.
Precaliente el horno a 375° F.

Tome pequeñas porciones de masa con la yema de los dedos. Haga bolitass de 1-1/2 pulgadas.
Coloque la 1/2 taza de azúcar granulada en un platito o tazón pequeño, (si prefiere, puede agregar canela en polvo al azúcar, para un sabor acanelado).
Ruede las bolitas de masa dentro del azúcar y coloque cada una sobre charolas de horno preparadas con papel encerado. Deje un espacio de 1/2 pulgada de distancia entre una y otra.

Tome un vaso de vidrio que tenga alguna figura o diseño en la base. Presione ligeramente sobre cada bolita de masa previamente azucarada para darle algún diseño.

Una vez presionada cada galleta, espolvoree con adicional azúcar.
Hornee de 13-15 minutos o hasta que los bordes estén ligeramente dorados.
Retírelas inmediatamente de las hojas de horno y coloque sobre rejillas para que se enfríen.

martes, 1 de mayo de 2012

lunes, 26 de marzo de 2012

a cheese cake is perfect to enjoy on our palate is perfect to share with someone important is the best taste we can delight in our mouth..

martes, 6 de marzo de 2012


2cups powder sugar               2 tasas de azucar glass(azucar palpable)
1 egg white                            1 clara de huevo
1 tsp vanilla                            1 cucharitade vainilla

in a bowl put egg whites and sugar and mix put the vanilla and mix again
If the icing is very sticky Add more sugar
 for firm peak continue beating

en un resipiente poner la clara de huevo y el azucar batir bien luego
agregar la vainilla seguir mezclando si la mescla esta muy suabe agregar mas azucar
y listo para decorar..


5 onz. semmi sweet chocolate        5 onz de chocolate semi amargo
5 onz heavy cream                         5 onz de heavy cream

put the chocolate and the cream in a heatproof bowl over a pan of barely
simmering water (dont left the thebase of the bowl sit in the water)
stir gently with a wooden spoon until smooth.

* remove from the heat and leave until thickned enough to coat the bake of the
spoon very thickly.
the ganache is redy  to pour over a cake.

-poner el chocolate y la crema a bano maria no dejar que la parte bajadel recipiente toque el agua
dejar que se mesclen bien luego retirar del fuego y dejar enfriar y esta listo para rellenar un pastel o para decorar

sábado, 3 de marzo de 2012

tutzies cakes..
every flavor every design
every sizes
every ocaccion
and everything you want in your cakes